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Music & Arts
“In the beginning, God created . . .”
Because we serve a creative God, we value the power of creative expression. Whether through theatre, art, music, literature, cooking or film, we believe the arts are a springboard into deeper conversations and life-giving reflection. And whether they know it or not, every person is creative because she or he has been made in God’s image.
At Christ Church Lavender Bay, this is reflected weekly, specifically in singing. Our morning service choir includes many singers who also perform in other choirs throughout Sydney. The choir members lead the hymn and song singing at the 10am service, singing Introits and Communion items.
Because of the regular attendance of a core of singers, the choir sings a range of choir items over the year, including ‘O Taste and See’ by Vaughan Williams, and ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ by Bach. Under the leadership of Helen Chuawiwat as choir convener and organist Louie Chen, the choir enjoys regular and steady participation from experienced choir members.
At our evening service, a contemporary band often includes a range of musicians. From vocals, piano, and guitar to flute, harp, and djembe (African drum) and even a harp, the sounds of the 5pm Band reflect the diversity of its congregation as well as the richness of traditional hymns and contemporary songs of worship to Jesus. Like the morning choir, these musicians also bring a servant’s heart to offer praise with their gifts.
If you’re a musician or singer, no matter the level, there’s a place for you at Christ Church Lavender Bay.
Traditional Service

Contemporary Service

What to expect
We’d love to meet you at Christ Church Lavender Bay.
The church is easy to find. While many of our members live around the lower North Shore, others travel from a variety of suburbs to join us for services and events. It's an easy walk from North Sydney or Milsons Point train stations or up from a ferry ride to MacMahon's Point or Milsons Point wharfs.
You can also drive across the bridge and find lots of parking options around the church.Whichever service you attend, we hope you’ll experience genuine hospitality, a friend’s welcome, and an encouraging word about how to live this life we’ve been given.
Because the beauty, goodness and truth of Jesus are the balm our broken world needs today.
Who we are
Jesus is at the centre of all we do—and has been since our first services in 1872! We believe that the beauty, goodness and truth of Jesus are the balm our broken world needs today.
Wherever you are on your journey, there’s a place for you at Christ Church Lavender Bay.