Tips for Rejuvenating Prayer
It’s one of the strange twists of modern life, that faced with all the things I can’t change, I’m so slow to speak to the One who can change them.
Jesus says that, "I have a Father in heaven" who is very keen to hear me and answer. So, if your prayer seems one dimensional at best – here are some tips that might rejuvenate you:
•It takes a good five minutes during a quiet part of the day.
•It is a new day, so God's mercies are new (Lamentations 3:23).
•Remind yourself of God's will and goodness, just as the Lord's Prayer leads us to do (Matthew 6:9-13).
•Bring burdens to Jesus as he invites you to (Matthew 11:28) such as guilt, hardships, anxiety and worry.
•Each day there is real opposition and opportunity. Ask God to protect and use you (Colossians 4:6).
•Pray for loved ones and spiritual life in the home, remembering that God's power is "more than all we ask or imagine"(Ephesians 3:20).
•Think ahead in your prayers, committing to God the things of the week and think out in your prayers to people far away (John 4:35).
•Finally, "Lord what I know not please teach me, what I have not, please give me and what I am not please make me - for Jesus’ sake, Amen".
Sometimes praying is easy and natural, but mostly the mind wanders. Give yourself the best chance - remove any obstacle. Whatever it takes, do business with God.
—Rev. Greg Webster
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Jesus is at the centre of all we do—and has been since our first services in 1872! We believe that the beauty, goodness and truth of Jesus are the balm our broken world needs today.
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